Virtual Museum of Slide Rules
Slide Rules
Váltás magyarra

Gamma 2512Try It!

The mass production of slide rules was started in 1949 at Gamma Works. For general purposes, they designed two basic models with similar structures. The 10-inch Darmstadt and the 5-inch Rietz rule were in continuous production to the second half of 1970s. Gamma started production of Darmstadt rule invented in 1935 and widely used in Europe with model number 2503, which later changed to 2512.

Prices of the rules are the same for almost 30 years: Ft 169 for the first-class pieces, and Ft 118.30 for second-class ones. A cardbox case and a short description were included in the price.

The first series has black and red scales and markings: scales with numbers decreases left to right (CI and P), and the scale-extensions painted in red for error-free use of the rules. The window is made of plastic with one-sided spring and 3 indices.

Due to decrease manufacturing costs the rules produced later had been simplified: all scales and marking are painted in black. The window are made with 2-sided springs for more precise reading. These rules has the Gamma logo in the stock, but without 2503 model number. All rules has classification markings.

After the production line was sold out, the Logar brand is appeared in the rules. The rules manufactured at Monor has some minor differences due to newly published national standard MSZ 4617-57 in 1957: The C and D scales has two new constants for converting small angles to radians, the lg, sin and tg labels are retyped with standardized letters, and the placing of decimal point or comma (depending of scale!) is modified. These rules has an additional label stamped in the stock that declares the classification of MSZ 4617-57 standard.

Manufacturer:Gamma Finommechanikai és Optikai Múvek N. V. (Hungary)
Mfg. date:1949-51
Size:294×41×14 mm
Purpose:standard slide rule
Material:body: pearwood
scales: celluloid
Scale length:25 cm (10-inch)
Scale order:Darmstadt
front: cm L / K Ah | Bh CIh Ch | Dh P / Sd Td
back: | LL1 LL2 LL3 |
Window:plastic with 3+1+1 indices

First variation of the slide rule of Gamma with red-black painting
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Gamma Művek
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