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Toshiba SC-7100

Brief History
The japanese Toshiba — although provided its high-tech circuits for the breakthrough calculators, the big competitors (NEC, Hitachi) started production of scientific calculator circuits before Toshiba: NEC produced the ICs for the Casio’s fx-10 from 1974, and Hitachi started the scientific family in 1975, so there were no limits anymore for flooding the world market with such calculators. Toshiba developed the SC-7100 calculator and its brain, the Txxxx circuit in 1975 too. The calculator which was not worse than other japanese ones, Toshiba was not able to break to this segment until 1977, when the new liquid crystal displays revolutionized the whole industry: later they develop and produce scientific and programmable calculators in cooperation with Texas Instruments.

Toshiba SC-7100 doesn’t care about precedency, doesn’t allow using parentheses, and don’t offer hidden digits for more accurate calculations. In addition to standard functions, it has some statistical calculation functions, and conversions between radians and degrees, because of lacking angular unit selector: the calculator can calculate trigonometric functions only in degrees. These japanese calculators did not compete with the world leader companies such Hewlett-Packard, or Texas Instruments yet...

Manufacturer:Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co., Ltd. (Japan)
Mfg. date:1975
Size:9,5×15,9×3,4 cm
Weight (ready for operate):n.a.
Capacity:8/8+2 digits (input/display)
8+2 digits (internal precision)
Operating logic:algebraic
CPU:Toshiba T3327
Registers:2 standard (with saving the pending operation)
1 constant (with saving the pending operation)
1 memory (with aritmetic)
Features:+/-change sign (direct entry of negative numbers) RVexchange registers (X-Y) Ffloating-point notation Sciscientific (exponential) notation Sqrsquare root x2square pivalue of pi (3.1415..) can be recalled 1/xreciprocal trigtrigonometrical functions (sin, cos, tan and inverses: arcsin, arccos, arctan) DMS-DDconversion of decimal and sexagesimal numbers logexponential and logarithmical functions (10- and e-base) yxraising to power SDone variable statistics: calculating mean and standard deviation
Display:12 digit VFD (itron FG125A2)
Power:4×AA-type battery
6V adaptor
Test results:trigonometry:result of sin-1(cos-1(tan-1(tan(cos(sin(60°)))))), reference value: 60. 60.055264
exponential:result of 0.999160000, reference value (first 14 digits): 3.0068804206375×10-70

Toshiba SC-7100

Az SC-7100 belülről
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